For the Anxious Heart
My heart beats faster, my breath picks up, my face becomes flush, my palms become sweaty.
a n x i e t y
Anxiety is real, and I can imagine most of us have faced it at least once in some capacity in our lives.
It can be difficult to face the mundane in the midst of anxiety. I know when I become anxious, my only thoughts become about the object of my anxiety and the best way to push it down as fast as possible. I try to distract myself, but sometimes I still find my mind reverting back to the thoughts causing me to spiral. My thoughts become a twister, not dissipating until my overthinking gets the best of me. Over the years, I have found areas where my anxiety heightens, but I have also found ways to combat it faster and easier.
One way is reflecting on this verse:
Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
I know when you first read this verse it may seem impossible. You hear “don’t worry about anything” and you think if it was that easy you wouldn’t be facing worry in the first place. Your overthinking brain could never get to a place without worry. Or can it?
Let’s break down the verse a little further.
“… but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving…”
God wants to hear our response to everything. He wants us to depend on Him and respond to the difficulties in this world in discussion with Him. God longs for relationship with us and through His son, Jesus, He gave us that amazing opportunity.
He didn’t say pray because you aren’t worried.
He didn’t say pray because you know what you are doing, and you have your whole life figured out.
No, He said, pray about everything, worry about nothing.
We should strive to pray more than we worry. Allow the prayerful heart to replace the anxious heart. Pray through the worry.
Through prayer during times of worry and fear, God is moving and working all things towards peace. He wants to hear us surrender our pride and come to Him in humility. Through humility, God has room to move and replace the worry.
Instead of dwelling in the anxiety, dwell in His presence.
As I was writing this post, this song started:
"Breathe Deep" by MBL Worship
I had never heard this song before and as it came on, it reminded me of the importance of dwelling in His presence. Many times, especially in anxiety filled moments, we need to slow down, sit at the feet of Jesus, dwell in His presence, and breathe deep.
Breathe deep, sit in prayer to God, the one who wants to give you peace and comfort. He has a seat for you at His table, you just need to sit, pray, and breathe.
I promise you, there is nothing better than sitting in God’s presence when you are anxious. Some of the best moments I have felt God with me were at my lowest. I am not saying long for the lows to know God is with you, but it is often these times in our life where we are reminded of God’s constant presence in our lives. He is sitting with you, holding your hand, giving you the strength to get through life day by day.
Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear; for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you. With My righteous right hand.”
Reflect on those times in your life where you felt you were never going to get through the low.
Reflect on your past anxieties, or maybe even your anxiety of today.
Now look at where you are, you can get through anything and that is all due to the love of our God. He does not want to see you worry. He does not want you to have anxiety. But He does know human nature, and He knows we will face these difficult paths. Guess what, because He knows every day has its own battles and not every day will be easy, He is there standing next to you, you just have to decide to take His hand, and trust Him.
The final piece of Philippians 4:6 states, “… present your requests to God.” This is our reminder that God wants to hear our wants. He wants to hear our needs. Yes, God already knows our thoughts, but He wants you to experience the self-realization and the humility to come to Him with all your burdens. He wants you to make the decision to let Him take hold and handle your challenges. That requires you to make the conscious decision to give it away. Give your anxiety away. Give your thoughts away. Pray specifically to God to help in that scenario, to bring peace to the situation.
1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
When we dwell in God’s love and God’s presence, and truly pursue His love as Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength,” it becomes easier to surrender and cast our anxieties onto Him.
Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
And finally, once we pursue His love, and surrender, His peace floods in from the Holy Spirit to guard our hearts and minds.
Do me a favor, spend five to ten minutes and simply sit in God’s presence. Whether that’s in silence, playing worship, or playing a YouTube mix of “basking in His presence,” take the time to pray, talk to God like He is your Father, like He is your friend. Sit, breathe, and listen to what God has to say. Feel His presence in the room with you, providing comfort where you need it most, filling the void that has been empty for so long. Invite Him in and cast all your anxieties onto Him.
Thank you Lauren. Your thoughts and words mean “a lot!”