The Search for Community
Hey guys, I know it has been a minute, but let’s jump right in and discuss the simple topic of community. “Simple? Did she say simple? I have been trying to find my people, my girls, my guys for a year now and I still feel lost.” Okay, maybe I rushed into that one, finding your community is not always simple, trust me, I have been there.
I am 22 and I can confidently say surrounding myself with those who also love Jesus and forming deeper relationships with girls after God’s own heart has helped me strengthen my own faith; I only wish I sought these relationships sooner.
My faith has always been a rock in my life. I grew up knowing about Jesus, went to church, made the decision to be baptized at a young age, yet something was missing. I had friends, I danced, I was doing well in school, yet Jesus started to take the backseat in my life instead of the wheel. As someone who put so much of her self-worth in how she did in school, or extracurriculars, youth group activities were rarely in the picture, and therefore Christ-centered community.
About a year ago, I started consistently praying for God to reveal the right people in my life and guide me towards Godly community. I wanted deeper relationships with girls with common interests. Relationships with meaningful conversation, ones that would challenge me in my walk with God.
While praying for God’s help and guidance, I knew I had to jump the hurdle of fear and begin seeking out more community myself. This looked like attending more young adult gatherings, going to church even if it meant I would go alone, and getting involved in more on-campus Christian organizations. A lot of this brought me out of my comfort zone but God cannot work in you if you are not willing to work in yourself. If I was going to pray for community, I couldn’t expect God to send a group of girls to my apartment while I stay inside all the time. Even though that would have been awesome. We must seek out community and put ourselves in situations that allow God to move. Do not waste the waiting seasons.
Now, the first people you talk to may not end up being your ride or die besties, but entering areas outside of your comfort zone and surrounding yourself with other Christians is the first step. I joined an on-campus ministry called Delight last fall and I have met some of the sweetest girls who I look up to in this space. With consistent prayer and intentionality, I have been able to grow in relationship with many of the girls and hope we can continue to grow over the years to come.
You may be wondering, “What about the friends I have who may not have the same beliefs as me?” To this I say, value these relationships as well. Having relationships with only believers can be just as bad as having relationships with only non-believers.
Our purpose in life, our mission, is discipleship. How are we going to disciple if we do not surround ourselves with those who do not know the love of Jesus? Jesus had His time and fellowship with His 12 disciples, and valued these close relationships, but He also spent time with sinners, those who did not value His love, or simply did not learn about Him yet.
You may be the only opportunity in somebody’s life to experience the love of Jesus.
I pray God can use me as a light in someone’s life to learn who He is and the joy that comes from the Lord.
I pray consistently that God can work through me, utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit to shine through me, and represent the love of Jesus through me to others.
Even with this blog, I pray that God can speak through me and reach whoever needs to be reached. Whether it is one person that is impacted or 1,000, life change happens with every step-in faith.
I love and value each and every one of my relationships for their own unique reason and I pray that God can use me however He wishes to grow His kingdom. I have my friends that bond over bachelor watch parties, line dancing nights, beach excursions, shared music taste, school organizations, and church events. Each one presents an opportunity to grow in relationship and form a bond like no other.
Once you connect on a personal level with others, the deep conversations can become easier and start to flow naturally. The questions can stem from a place of true curiosity and come from the knowledge of being in a safe place where judgement of one another is absent.
Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
As Hebrews states, it is crucial to be in community with believers. We must dive into relationship with one another to bring encouragement and grow further in our faith. Yes, we must spend time alone with God; however, spending time in His word with other believers amplifies your faith even more and allows growth in one another.
We cannot be encouraged if we are not engaged.
Proverbs 27:12, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
If you want to grow in your faith and no longer stay stagnant in your relationship with Jesus, surround yourself in Christ-centered community and challenge each other to be more like Jesus day in and day out.
I leave you with this, assess your relationships. Ask yourself if you are connected in community. Ponder if you leave an outing filled or empty. I pray for each of you to step out in faith, pray, and bring yourself to areas where you can be surrounded by those who love you and love Jesus, challenging you to dive deeper in your personal relationship with Him and be the best version of yourself with Him. Almost a year later of my own prayer journey for community, I see how God has moved in my life and helped highlight those who I now call my closest friends. When you are faithful and persistent in prayer, you will see God provide, all in His timing.